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New posts in angular-filters

Count group elements using angular-filter

angularjs angular-filters

How to use checkbox to filter results with Angular?

ng-init is not working with ng-if

Conditional filter

angularjs angular-filters

How to use the filters (pipes) in components in Angular 2 (not in DOM using pipes)

Using orderBy on ng-repeat with a multidimensional array

What's the difference between using toFixed and the angular number filter?

How to filter ng-repeat with values NOT IN another array in Angular?

Filtering by multiple checkboxes in AngularJS

angularjs angular-filters

AngularJS filtering between a range

Angular filter in ng-repeat with deep object

angular track by and orderBy

AngularJS: Neat way to print array as string

Tab filtering with angular

angularjs angular-filters

AngularJS append text to ng-bind with filter

Angular orderBy object possible?

How to set autoclear on angular ui-mask to false?

Why don't AngularJS Filters work when inside an ng-if?

angularjs angular-filters

AngularJS - Using ternary operators and filters within a binding

Angular Material Table filterPredicate