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New posts in android-navigationview

Add a MenuItem to Menu at specific position or group programmatically

issue to remove NavigationView menu item selected color?

How (and where) to fix android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling: RecyclerView$SavedState?

Android espresso test NavigationView

Error inflating class com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView after migration to AndroidX

Disable a color tint in NavigationView only for specified icons

How to add a collapsible menu item inside navigation drawer in android?

NavigationView(Change Color of Selected Item)

How to set a long click listener on a MenuItem (on a NavigationView)?

What's the purpose of tools:openDrawer="start" when creating a DrawerLayout (with NavigationView) from the wizard?

Android NavigationView: reduce space between icon and text and `itemBackground` not working

Implementing proper back navigation and home button handling using Toolbar in Android

Overlapping shadow effect remains on Navigation Drawer's NavigationView

What is the navigation drawer icons size?

onNavigationItemSelected not getting called

Android support v23.1.0 update breaks NavigationView get/find header

How I can remove the unnecessary top padding of the Navigation view?

Disable icon colorStateList in NavigationView

How to uncheck checked items in Navigation View?

How to add custom views in the new NavigationView