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New posts in android-fullscreen

React-Native : How to get the complete height of the device when 'Full Screen Mode' is enabled?

android full screen an activity and hide key bar

Overflow Menu click disabling Immersive mode - Android 4.4 Kitkat

Android - hide status and navigation bar completely for an app with nav drawer and app bar

Switching from full screen to not full screen pop/slide

Using SystemUiHider to keep the navigation bar hidden

status bar flicker when exiting fullscreen activity

App crashing when trying to hide the title bar

How to make a FullScreen Activity on Android

Smooth transition between full-screen-activity and one with notification-bar and action bar

HTML5 video controls disappear in full-screen mode on android devices

Android Popup Window Full Screen

Flutter fullscreen app. Getting rid of the blank white space at the bottom of the app on android

Make a SurfaceView larger than the screen (Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display)