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New posts in android-mediacodec

Decode mp4/h.264 using MediaCodec without MediaExtractor, expected access unit format

MediaCodec is giving a storeMetaDataInBuffers trace error

Illegal State Exception when calling MediaCodec.configure()

what is COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible?


MediaCodec with Surface input: Producing chunked output

Set AVC/H.264 profile when encoding video in Android using MediaCodec API

Android encoding using MediaCodec and a Surface

Android MediaCodec slower in async-mode than in synchronous mode?

MediaCodec KEY_FRAME_RATE seems to be ignored

Android MediaCodec and camera: how to achieve a higher frame rate to get frame raw data from camera?

How to initialize MediaFormat to configure a MediaCodec to decode raw AAC data?

What is the use of presentationTimeUs for MediaCodec?

Buffering Surface input to MediaCodec

Understanding Android camera SurfaceTexture and MediaCodec Surface usage

I can't capture android screen using adb screen record tool

mediacodec vs mediaplayer and mediarecorder