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What is the use of presentationTimeUs for MediaCodec?

The official definition for presentationTimeUs in queueInputBuffer (int index, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags) is the following:

The presentation timestamp in microseconds for this buffer. This is normally the media time at which this buffer should be presented (rendered).

Why does the decoder need this if it is up to the app when to present the decoded image? I have tried some arbitrary numbers for presentationTimeUs, and they do not seem to make any difference to the decoding. For example, if I double the original values of presentationTimeUs, the video seems to be decoded exactly the same way and at the same speed as the original.

Could anyone shed some light on this?

like image 692
Hong Avatar asked May 30 '15 04:05


People also ask

How does MediaCodec work?

It processes data asynchronously and uses a set of input and output buffers. At a simplistic level, you request (or receive) an empty input buffer, fill it up with data and send it to the codec for processing. The codec uses up the data and transforms it into one of its empty output buffers.

What is Android MediaCodec?

MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codecs, i.e. encoder/decoder components. It is part of the Android low-level multimedia support infrastructure (normally used together with MediaExtractor , MediaSync , MediaMuxer , MediaCrypto , MediaDrm , Image , Surface , and AudioTrack .)

1 Answers

The decoder needs to know the input buffer's timestamps for multiple reasons.

First, if the stream has B-frames, then the reordering of buffers and assigning the correct timestamps to the buffers is performed by the decoder. So when the timestamps are received on the input buffer, the same is queued for reordering.

Secondly, if the use-case is something like Android-TV which infact has the tunneled video playback, the timestamp is consumed by the video decoder which is tunneled to the underlying HW block for synchronization and rendering.

Lastly, if there is any drop in packets or frames, the decoder can potentially perform some sort of concealment if it an observes abrupt jump in timestamps without a flush being called. This is not a norm, but is an advanced feature of some decoders.

In traditional cases, as you have pointed out, the synchronization is performed by the player engine in which decoder shall reflect the input buffer timestamp onto the output buffer.

like image 115
Ganesh Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
