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New posts in android-lifecycle

onDestroy() - to set or not to set instance variables to null?

android android-lifecycle

Release resources in onPause instead of onDestroy

Measure view in fragment

RuntimeException:ClassNotFoundException android.arch.lifecycle.ProcessLifecycleOwnerInitializer

Easy way to get current Activity, Fragment, LifeCycleOwner from within View?

android android-lifecycle

Activity Lifecycle X Power Button X Lock Screen

android android-lifecycle

Should we Use ViewModels to communicate between 2 different fragments or bundles in single activity App Architecture?

How can I know that onCreateView has been called from an outer class?

How to get LifecycleOwner in LifecycleObserver?

Differentiate between Android killing the app and user swiping it off on the recent apps list

How to retrieve onSaveInstanceState() bundle in onResume()?

RxJava resubscribe to event after activity restore

Viewmodel observing LiveData - how?

Prevent activity from being destroyed as long as possible

getViewLifeCycleOwner() vs 'this' vs this.getActivity() in Androidx Fragments

Android view - onAttachedToWindow and onDetachedFromWindow - when are they called in the activity lifecycle?

android android-lifecycle

OnCreate() vs OnStart() [duplicate]

When is fragment's onActivityResult called in respect to fragments lifecycle?

Best architecture for a long running service on Android

NsdManager doesn't stop service discovery