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How can I know that onCreateView has been called from an outer class?

I'm really curious about how to determine (from an outer class) if a fragment's onCreateView() has already been called. I have searched for similar questions but found none.

For instance, is fragment.isAdded() a good indicator?

My first thought was simply fragment.getView() != null, but I'm not 100% sure it would be reliable as it seems, and I'm also slightly reluctant to use it (for no particular reason, I just tend to avoid nullity checks). I would be happy to find a workaround. Suggestions I had:


Return true if the fragment is currently added to its activity.

This line is quite ambiguous in my opinion; added is not attached, but neither created. It might refer to FragmentTransaction.add() (which is semantically wrong because you can have <fragment>s stuck in your layout without having to call add or replace).

Still, FragmentTransaction.add() documentation gives no info nor makes you think added -> created. I'd say no.


Return true if the fragment is currently visible to the user. This means it: (1) has been added, (2) has its view attached to the window, and (3) is not hidden.

Looks good, in the sense that isVisible() -> isCreated, but the third option makes it isCreated != isVisible. I just think of fragments inside a view pager: not all are visible, but the fragments near the currently visible fragment are added, created and alive, you can call methods on them. But for them, isVisible() == false. This is kind of too strict.


Return true if the layout is included as part of an activity view hierarchy via the < fragment> tag. This will always be true when fragments are created through the < fragment> tag, except in the case where an old fragment is restored from a previous state and it does not appear in the layout of the current state.

I don't think this applies here.

getView() != null

Returns The fragment's root view, or null if it has no layout.

This still looks the one and only solution. I'd just like a confirmation about that.

Implement a callback

..to be called onCreateView() or, better, onViewCreated(). But:

  • I don't need to call something as soon as the fragment is created (why would you need that?), I need something to check at a given time;
  • One should define the opposite, say, onViewNotAvailableAnymore(), to make the check meaningful at all times;
  • I don't see how this would be different, or better, than getView != null.
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natario Avatar asked Sep 18 '15 17:09


1 Answers

Does Fragment.isAdded() imply that onCreateView has been called?

NO!! NO!! pause NOOOOOOO00000000000!!!!!


Fragment.isAdded() is a notification that your Fragment has been added to your Activity, end of story.

The add() method in FragmentTransaction has 3 different methods, all adds Fragment to an Activity ,and, two goes further to create your Fragments View and attach it to a Parent ViewGroup by the aid of LayoutInflater provided your first parameter is not 0 (id != 0)

To check if onCreateView() has been called you need to override onViewCreated().

getView() will always return null unless onCreateView() is done

your solution is check Fragment.isVisible()

FYI: There is nothing wrong that i see with the documentation. Its pretty clear sir.

Hope i am lucid Sir

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Elltz Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
