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New posts in android-lifecycle

is a view's "tag" restored when the activity whose layout contains the view is recreated?

onCreateOptionsMenu in a Fragment lifecycle

Activity with long-lasting service in the background that will not be killed

What's the point of using LiveData in ViewModel if I can use Flow and StateFlow with lifecycleScope \ viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope

save the state when back button is pressed

Android: Duplicating of fragments when using Support Fragment Manager

Access to application class in Broadcast Receiver

AndroidViewModel has no zero argument constructor [duplicate]

BroadcastReceiver lifecycle

How to manage UI state and the back stack in a single/dual-pane layout

Android live data - observe always fires after config change

Activity and Fragment Lifecycles and Orientation Changes

Android onCreate is called after locking the screen

When to use getSharedPreferences vs savedInstanceState?

onCreate being called on Activity A in up navigation

ViewModel has no zero argument constructor hilt Java

Correctly open/close a database with Singleton design pattern

DialogFrag#show() from a Fragment throwing "IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"

Activity Lifecycle changed with API 25 (7.1.1)