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New posts in android-dialogfragment

Android Alert Dialog unable to find view

Open a DialogFragment from within a CustomView

Android share ViewModel between fragment and dialog fragment?

Does v4 support library use new classes when available?

Retrieving Value from EditText in DialogFragment

remove white background in dialogfragment

Weird behavior when using ConstraintLayout as the root layout of a DialogFragment

How to retain listener on custom dialog opened from fragment?

Android full-screen dialog callback issue

Showing DialogFragments crashes ICS

DialogFragment with a custom layout causes a crash in my application

Android DialogFragment is blank

how does DialogFragment affect life cycle of calling activity

How to read/write preferences from a DialogFragment?

Should we be using setTargetFragment()? I thought Fragments should not be communicating with each other

android dialogFragment "sometimes" not showing webview

Android L Circular Reveal on a Dialog

After screen orientation change the dialogFragment appears apparently without any call