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New posts in android-canvas

onScale and Canvas - how to adjust origin point after zooming image?

Draw a text on a circle path in android

Android tracking x,y coordinates draw from Path

android android-canvas

Prevent drawing beyond canvas with SurfaceView

How to combine canvas drawing with android activity layout which includes buttons and layouts?

android android-canvas

Drawing to canvas with user interaction is a bit laggy

Strange graphics artefacts in Android app

Why does BoofCV constantly rotate the Camera Preview to the left?

Why postRotate() method change X axis direction

ImageView is re-sizing while draw border shape on it

How to make draw path smooth while drawing with variable width stroke

java android android-canvas

Android - Offscreen Drawing from non-UI thread

How to draw line in different patterns using canvas? [closed]

android android-canvas

Draw text vertically on canvas

Android AvoidXfermode is deprecated since API 16, is there a replacement?

Android SurfaceView Canvas renders wrong colors

Bezier curve and canvas

android android-canvas

Loading a resource to a mutable bitmap

Crop square image to circle - Programmatically