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New posts in android-architecture-components

Animation for BottomNavigation Fragments with Architecture Navigation Components

Paging library when used inside a nestedscrollview loads all data

Android ViewModel recreated on screen rotation

Changing locale stopped working in Android 10

Check if entity from a room database is empty

Use LiveData without Lifecycle Owner

Is it a bad practice to have multiple Viewmodels, approximately one for each fragment?

Android architecture components : Room : No such table

Should we create a separate repository for each Activity or single repository for entire app

How to ensure ViewModel#onCleared is called in an Android unit test?

Data binding LiveData from Transformation - Android Kotlin

Set toolbar title dynamically using navigation-component

Testing Navigation component: "does not have a NavController"

Navigation Architecture Component - how to set/change custom back or hamburger icon with navigation controller?

Failed to resolve: support-fragment error when add google architecture component dependency

Multiple containers for navigation component

PageList.size is always zero