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New posts in android-architecture-components

Correct way to close DialogFragment when using Navigation component?

Cant find class DiffCallback in Android Architecture component 1.1.1:

Android instrumentation test doesn't run to end when using Room @Transaction function

how to remove default animation transition when using navigation component in Android?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState caused by launchFragmentInContainer

ViewModelProviders with Dagger 2, not able to grasp the concept

Error: Cannot use unbound generics in Type Converters

Android Architecture Component ViewModel - How to mock ViewModel on test Activity?

Android Room @Embedded annotation compilation fails for @NonNull annotated constructor parameters of a POJO defined in a library module

ViewModel is created again for the fragment

How to properly use Dagger2 with the new Android Architecture Components

Best practice MVVM pass Data from one Activity to another

Update list items in PagingLibrary w/o using Room (Network only)

How to catch lifecycle events with ProcessLifecycleOwner?

How to reuse a fragment in different navigation graphs with safe args enabled?

NavigationComponent navigation within a BottomSheetDialogFragment

After DataSource.Invalidate() new PagedList has only one page

Paging Library: How to reload portion of data on demand?

How ViewModel is persisted on configuration change