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New posts in android-architecture-components

What are reasons to pass getActivity as the LifecycleOwner to the LiveData's observe method in a fragment?

How can I add unit test for android architecture components life cycle event?

Cannot import android.arch.persistence.room.testing.MigrationTestHelper

How to clear/remove all items in page list adapter

LifecycleOwner: difference between Fragment (self) and Fragment#viewLifecycle

Android Paging 3 - experiencing flickers, glitches or jumps in position when scrolling & loading new pages

Do I need to dispose() Publishers created using LiveDataReactiveStreams

Android Navigation Component: How to solve the circular navigation with nested graph?

Can't replace SAM-constructor with lambda when first argument is a class with one method

PageKeyedDataSource loadAfter called continuously

Why is the value param nullable in Observer from Android Architecture Components?

Livedata vs Rxjava

Progressbar and error message with Paging Library

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This source was already added with the different observer

How to get NavHostFragment

LiveData not updating when data changes

how to create view model factory for AndroidViewModel?

LifecycleObserver is not working