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New posts in android-architecture-components

Repository module implementation with Context

Get LiveData from a many-to-many structure in android Room Architecture Component

Shared ViewModel lifecycle for Android JetPack

Back navigation after deeplink by navigation architecture component

Navigation destination unknown to this NavController after an activity result

Android Jetpack Navigation proper back stack with BottomNavigationView

Communication between view and ViewModel in MVVM with LiveData

onCleared is not being called on Fragment's attached ViewModel

Room - check if data were fetched recently

Preferred Fragment lifecycle method for instantiating ViewModels

Network pojo class and database entity class, how to avoid duplication

LiveData two-way databinding WITHOUT exposing MutableLiveData

Coordinate Back Button ownership in Nested Navigation Controllers

NavHostFragment not accessible from XML

Cannot create an instance of ViewModel class (Unable to start activity ComponentInfo)

Destination with arguments or actions must have 'name' or 'id' attributes

Required lifecycle owner found Activity

What is the difference between @ForeignKey and @Relation annotations in Room database?

Shared viewmodel between fragments, without scoping to the activity? [duplicate]