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Check if entity from a room database is empty

How can I detect if a table has no entries using Room Persistence Library? I can't find any information on how to tackle this issue.

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Claude Hangui Avatar asked Mar 09 '18 16:03

Claude Hangui

2 Answers

Create a SELECT count(*) FROM ... query that returns an int or a SELECT * FROM ... query that returns an array and check the size of the array.

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Joakim Danielson Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09

Joakim Danielson

simply you can make a query and check if the result is empty. Like this

this code in Dao

@Query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")
LiveData<TaskEntry> loadlastTask();

then in your ViewModel class, you can call this and check

  LiveData<TaskEntry> mDBTask;
    private AppDataBase mDB;

    mDBTask = mDB.taskDao().loadlastTask();
    if(mDBTask.getValue() == null ){
    //table is empty
     // table is not empty
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Momen Ali Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Momen Ali