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New posts in android-alertdialog

Set text in TextView in custom dialog

Displaying multiple lines of text in an Alert Dialog

How to center text in Alert Dialog Builder?

How to customize the list items in an Android AlertDialog

Create a AlertDialog in Android with custom xml view

Android: Custom AlertDialog

How do I close AlertDialog when I click on ListView item

Single alert dialog for entire application

display textview in alert dialog

Displaying AlertDialog inside a Custom ListAdapter Class

How to remove view on the child's parent? android

The AlertDialog is invisible when the Activity back to foreground

Difference between AlertDialog.builder's obj.create() vs obj.show() vs obj.create().show()

Style attributes of custom styled AlertDialog

Validation on EditText in alertDialog

Place for AlertDialog in Android app based on MVP architecture

Android AlertDialog with DialogFragment: don't close the dialog even if OK is clicked

Custom Dialog Fragment

AlertDialog setSingleChoice without radio buttons