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New posts in android-alertdialog

Android AlertDialog Builder

AlertDialog to wrap it's content

How to interact with USSD dialog programmatically in android

How to handle AlertDialog close event?

What's the difference between AlertDialog.builder.setView and Dialog.setContentView? [closed]

onBackPressed doesn't work with AlertDialog

How can I reuse an AlertDialog for Yes/No on Android?

Set text in Bold in AlertDialog

Showing the same AlertDialog again

AlertDialog.Builder: No items for checkboxes are shown

Change title size of alertdialog in android?

Android: Activity Dialog / Dialog disappears unexpectedly

Android AlertDialog title font

Customizing the Alert dialog in Android

How to display the Html formatted text in the PopUp box using alert dialog builder?

Android AlertDialog with rounded corners: rectangle seen below corners

Embed RatingBar in AlertDialog

Can we have vertical buttons in an Android alert dialog?

Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable

Activity onBackPress not showing alert dialog