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New posts in android-alertdialog

Alertdialog.Builder setview: Call requires API level 21

Adding EditText to Alert Dialog.

Show Light AlertDialog using Theme.Light.NoTitleBar

Dismiss AlertDialog.Builder from OnClick

How can a WebView inherit colors from the current Android theme?

Android: AlertDialog with custom view and rounded corners

Change Dialog Theme for every Dialog

EditText expands too slow inside AlertDialog on android

Animate an AlertDialog's entrance and exit

Custom Alert Dialog With RecyclerView

Android - Refresh data in an AlertDialog?

OnClickListener inside custom alertdialog Android

AlertDialog dismiss not working

Setting Margins for EditText in AlertDialog

Customize dialog which has single-choice list items

Android AlertDialog title background color

AlertDialog vs AlertDialog.Builder

Calling onResume method after an alert is dismissed in Android?

Set default selected item of ListView Alert Dialog in Android