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New posts in android-alertdialog

How to display MessageBox in Monodroid

Android set selected item in alert dialog

Can't change EditText margins programmatically inside AlertDialog

custom alert dialog getting unwanted padding

How to select which button to click on Robotium for an alert dialog?

How to add TextView and EditText using default AlertDialog programmatically

Change font size for an AlertDialog message [duplicate]

AlertDialog.show() makes my app crash

Android AlertDialog box WindowManager$BadTokenException problem

Android Prompting an AlertDialog onBackPressed

Buttons of alert dialog are cut off

how set to the CENTER title in AlertDialog? [duplicate]

Dialog with list view and message

ClassCastException: android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutCompat$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams

How to change alert dialog header divider color android

What size should the icon in an alertdialog be?

Android Kotlin button + alert dialog + list

Android Alert Dialog - how to hide the OK button after it being pressed

Android: How do I retrieve Edittext.getText() in custom AlertDialog?

Multiple choice AlertDialog with custom Adapter