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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow


Android app crashes on 6.0 while seeking permissions with ActivityCompat.requestPermissions

Replacing default Phone app on Android 6 and 7 with InCallService

How to jump to the manage permission page in Settings App with code?

Android M permission grant callback

Android Marshmallow: permissions change for running app

javax.crypto.Cipher working differently since Android 6 Marshmallow

How to take CLEAR_APP_CACHE permission in Android Marshmallow at runtime?

DatePickerDialog header background color

FacebookActivity did not call finish() on Api 23+

SimpleDateFormat behaviour change in Android Marshmallow

Receive incorrect resultCode in Activity's onRequestPermissionsResult when request permission from Fragment

Opening pdf file Error: This file could not be accessed Check the location or the network and try again. Android 6 Marshmallow

Marshmallow Fingerprint Scanner Hardware Presence

Requesting multiple Bluetooth permissions in Android Marshmallow

getUidTxBytes(int uid) always return 0 in android 6.0