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New posts in captivenetwork

Connect to captive portal wifi using ESP8266

Javascript detection of iOS Captive Network Assistant webpage

iOS: Getting current WiFi SSID is always nil on Testflight

Captive Portal inside Android App

Is it possible to detect the Android captive portal browser?

How did a Captive Portal force to open a browser


How whole captive networks and CNSetSupportedSSIDs works?

ios captivenetwork


iOS: Open a Welcome Page in Safari, not CNA (post-authentication)

CaptiveNetwork : CNSetSupportedSSIDs usage

How to know the connected WiFi is Walled Gardened (Captive Portal)?

How can I debug the browser in Captive Portal?

iPhone : how to auto connect to a known wifi SSID?

Prevent Captive Portal auto-close after authentication (Android)

Launch default browser from Android's captive portal browser (CaptivePortalLogin)