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New posts in amazon-athena

AWS Athena JDBC PreparedStatement

How to skip headers when we are reading data from a csv file in s3 and creating a table in aws athena.

How to handle embed line breaks in AWS Athena

OFFSET on AWS Athena

Selecting specific files for athena


AWS Glue Crawler Cannot Extract CSV Headers

csv amazon-athena aws-glue

Amazon Athena: Convert bigint timestamp to readable timestamp

Athena unable to parse date using OpenCSVSerde

Cannot load simple Json file with AWS Athena

Getting HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR while querying the table created in Amazon Athena

Can't Query Athena Table Because of Dash Character


substr at Amazon Athena

amazon-athena presto

How to convert string into timestamp in Presto (Athena)?

Converting Unix epoch time to extended ISO8601

Time diff in Amazon Athena / Presto (seconds and minutes )

presto amazon-athena

S3/Athena query result location and “Invalid S3 folder location”

athena.getQueryExecution returns a status of RUNNING for 1 minute+, even though history says the job took 4 seconds

How S3 select pricing works? What is data returned and scanned in s3 select means

AWS Glue: crawler misinterprets timestamps as strings. GLUE ETL meant to convert strings to timestamps makes them NULL