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amazon-athena aws-glue

Use external table redshift spectrum defined in glue data catalog

No viable alternative at input 'create external' while creating partition using athena

Can you add more than one partition in one "ALTER TABLE" command?

presto amazon-athena

AWS Athena flattened data from nested JSON source

How does AWS Athena react to schema changes in S3 files?

use SQL inside AWS Glue pySpark script

How do I Configure file format of AWS Athena results

Since QuickSight can directly query S3, when would we need to use Athena as data source for QuickSight? [closed]

How to change column names of autodetected partitions created by Glue Crawler?

Split one row into multiple rows based on comma-separated string column

sql amazon-athena presto

how to get results from Athena for the past week?

Athena equivalent to information_schema


Specify compression type with Athena

hive amazon-athena

How to query in AWS athena connected through S3 using lambda functions in python

How to delete / drop multiple tables in AWS athena?

AWS Glue Crawler Creates Partition and File Tables

Amazon Athena LEFT OUTER JOIN query not working as expected


How AWS Athena deals with single line JSONs?

Can AWS Athena queries be run periodically (i.e., on a schedule)?