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Amazon Athena LEFT OUTER JOIN query not working as expected

I am trying to do a left ourter join in Athena and my query looks like the following:

SELECT customer.name, orders.price
FROM customer LEFT OUTER JOIN order 
ON customer.id = orders.customer_id 

Where each customer could only have one order in the orders table at most and there are customers with no order in the orders table at all. So I am expecting to get some number of records where there is a customer in the customer table with no records in orders table which means when I do LEFT OUTER JOIN the price will be NULL. But this query returns 0 every time I run it. I have queries both tables separately and pretty sure there is data in both but not sure why this is returning zero where it works if I remove the price IS NULL. I have also tried price = '' and price IN ('') and none of them works. Has anyone here had a similar experience before? Or is there something wrong with my query that I can not see or identify?

like image 815
ahajib Avatar asked Mar 14 '18 15:03


1 Answers

It seems that your query is correct. To validate, I created two CTEs that should match up with your customer and orders table and ran your query against them. When running the query below, it returns a record for customer 3 Ted Johnson who did not have an order.

WITH customer AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'John Doe' AS name
SELECT 2 AS id, 'Jane Smith' AS name
SELECT 3 AS id, 'Ted Johnson' AS name

orders AS (
SELECT 1 AS customer_id, 20 AS price
SELECT 2 AS customer_id, 15 AS price

SELECT customer.name, orders.price
FROM customer LEFT OUTER JOIN orders
ON customer.id = orders.customer_id

I'd suggest running the following queries:

  • COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM customers;
  • COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM orders;

Based on the results you are seeing, I would expect those counts to match. Perhaps your system is creating a record in the orders table whenever a customer is created with a price of 0.

like image 90
daronjp Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
