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Convert date from integer to date format

python pyspark aws-glue

Waiting on Crawlers and Jobs as Dependencies for Glue Job Triggers


How to Connect to RDS Instance from AWS Glue Python Shell?

AWS GLUE import xls/xlsx file

Capturing AWS Glue Event in Cloud watch

ACL permissions for write_dynamic_frame_from_options in to S3 using AWS Glue

Could we use AWS Glue just copy a file from one S3 folder to another S3 folder?

amazon-s3 aws-glue

How to use AWS Glue / Spark to convert CSVs partitioned and split in S3 to partitioned and split Parquet

How can I use an external python library in AWS Glue?

error when run zepplin connecting aws glue

How to I add a current timestamp (extra column) in the glue job so that the output data has an extra column

Partition Athena query by S3 created date

AWS Glue does not detect partitions and creates 1000+ tables in catalog