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New posts in actor

Should Akka Actors do real processing tasks?

Waiting for multiple results in Akka

akka actor nonblocking

Execution context for futures in Actors

scala akka actor future

In Erlang, is it possible to send a running process to a different node?

erlang actor agent mobility

Akka Actor Test: Automatic reply with a TestProbe

scala akka actor akka-testkit

What does function "eventloop" do in Scala Actors?

scala actor

Importance of Akka Routers

scala akka actor

In which way is akka real-time?

pykka -- Actors are slow?

python actor pykka

Is having many threads in a JVM application expensive?

multithreading scala jvm actor

Incremental processing in an akka actor

scala akka actor

Design Patterns with Actors

Akka remote actors, superclass without default constructor

scala akka actor remote-actors

What is `self` in Akka?

scala actor akka

Akka 2.1 minimal remote actor example

scala akka actor remote-actors

what could be the best alternative to Multi-threading? [closed]

Can I give prefixes to some actors' automatic names?

java scala akka actor

Scala Remote Actor Security

security scala actor

Trying to make use of Akka future and play promises in my Play2 application

Retry / replay of failed messages in AKKA

scala akka actor akka.net