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New posts in activity-manager

Is it possible to start activity through adb shell and receive its response? [duplicate]

Android M: How can I get the current foreground activity package name(from a service)

android activity-manager

How to get the list of all non system apps in android

android activity-manager

Cannot run Android application on emulator/device - activity doesn't exist?

How to get all the tasks that are running currently

android activity-manager

Why is launcher activity with launchMode="singleTask" always pushed to top of backstack even if another activity was on top? [duplicate]

Android: How to determine if IntentService is running?

Is process name same as package name in android?

What does "I/ActivityManager: Displayed...activity...+850ms" comprised of?

clearApplicationUserData minimizes the app

android activity-manager

How to find whether activity is last activity in stack

Android: UsageStatsManager not returning correct daily results

Go back to specific activity from stack

Get (real) foreground process using activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses()

Cannot get foreground activity name in Android Lollipop 5.0 only