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New posts in activex

How do I call a method in a custom ActiveX dll using java/vb script

is DISPID_VALUE reliable for invokes on IDispatchs from scripts?

Calling a .dll function from a html page that runs on chrome and firefox

Find all properties of an ActiveX component

Are there alternatives for ActiveX In Microsoft Edge?

activex microsoft-edge

IE 11 can't find Java Plugin to run Applet

How do I return an array of strings from an ActiveX object to JScript

javascript com activex

Creating and deploying an ActiveX control in .NET

How can I detect if an ActiveX control is loaded?

javascript activex

Delphi - Thread not executing in ActiveX form - but does elsewhere

Using Tidhttp with Twebbrowser

How can I check if an ActiveX dll is already registered?


Change in User-Agent header triggering forms authentication

asp.net asp.net-mvc activex

Get a screenshot from an ASP.Net page

com web activex screenshot

What are the differences between Microsoft's ActiveX and Google's Native Client? [closed]

How to list all ActiveX controls?

com interface activex

Classic ASP and COM DLL Does not work in Server 2008 R2 (Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad' ActiveX component can't create object )

voice record (winmm.dll) using C#.net

c# activex

How to disable java out-of-date ActiveX control blocking feature in Internet Explorer

Delphi convert doc to pdf using Word ActiveX