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New posts in accessibility

AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions returns NO even though the app is on the whitelist

Proper ARIA attribute for field/value pairs outside of a table?

How to implement ARIA on a responsive site

Prevent reading every dynamic change: is there an aria-live="zombie"?

html accessibility wai-aria

Android Accessibility Service - Screen updates not consistent

Set accessibilityLabel on UIMenuItem

NVDA doesn't read first HTML child when focusing from parent on Firefox

Does each screen reader have a preferred browser? (i.e. JAWS, Voiceover, NVDA etc)

Several apps which draw view over other apps with help Accessibility service doesn't work at the same time

Is tabIndex: 0 in links considered a good practice in order to avoid href="javascript: void(0);"?

PDFBox - Accessible PDF - How to check if PDF Tags have properties as per Accessiblity guidelines

java pdf accessibility pdfbox

WAI-ARIA - selected/current menuitem/page, how to set the correct state in a menubar?

accessibility wai-aria

CMFCMenuButton not properly repainting when toggling high contrast mode

Hiding headings in the document outline for accessibility reasons

html seo accessibility

How do you navigate options in a select element using ChromeVox?

Accessibility: in what scenarios would aria-describedby not be announced?

html accessibility wai-aria

Talkback focus goes to toolbar items when recyclerview within nestedscrollview is scrolled

Is the use of relative values in font sizing for accessibility still useful in general, or only for IE6?

Styled centered checkbox not checkable when using TalkBack or VoiceOver

Name of process for active window in Windows 8/10