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New posts in screen-readers

Why Javascript IF keyCode === Enter key or Spacebar key does not work with NVDA screenreader?

xhtml document - Lang options question

what is screen reader in bootstrap ducumentation??? >>>[bootstrap document]

Do screenreaders ever access the content of an SVG?

Screen reader is not reading the price ("$47.49") properly

How do I make my custom checkbox accessible?

How to judge what should be more accessible markup <table> ,<div> and <ul><li> if design has table like data?

Is it still true, to make cross broswer layouts for desktop browsers using table+css is easier then div+css?

Which alt text is best for screen readers for example "smiling kid"?

Flash and Accessibility

Is it ok to hide any things using display:none?

css xhtml seo screen-readers

Do multiple h1's cause screen readers problems?

Screen readers read everything in anchor tags or role="dialog"

SVG accessibility causing invalid HTML (duplicate ID's)

Is use of position:absolute inside relative can create problems in Print ,screen-readers and for mobile users?

Inline images and high contrast mode for web accessibility

NVDA doesn't read first HTML child when focusing from parent on Firefox

Is there any way to "hide" a View to Screen Readers, like "aria-hidden" does in HTML?