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CMFCMenuButton not properly repainting when toggling high contrast mode

In an C++ MFC project I'm using CMFCMenuButton using MSVC 2013.

When I toggle the high contrast mode the button is not properly repainted (for comparison a normal button is displayed):

broken repaint of CMFCMenuButton after toggling high contrast mode

Calling Invalidate() or ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); seem to have no effect - even minimizing the dialog does not cause a proper redraw. How can I force the button to repaint with the updated system color?

Update: Forcing the colors after toggling contrast mode just makes the button text visible, however the button itself, the border, is not visible.

like image 270
MrTux Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 00:10


1 Answers

Took me a while, but I was able to solve this. I'm inheriting from the CMFCMenuButton class so that I can handle some events:

  1. Get the color on the button right:
    Handle the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE event and call GetGlobalData()->UpdateSysColors(); (make sure it's propagated to our parent before, e.g., by __super::OnSysColorChange();)

  2. Get the border and background right:
    Handle the WM_THEMECHANGED event and call CMFCVisualManager::GetInstance()->DestroyInstance(); in order to close all opened theme data handles.

like image 88
MrTux Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
