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New posts in accessibility

iPhone MapKit: Accessibility of Annotations

Is putting multiple submit buttons on an HTML form bad practice?

html forms accessibility

Most efficient way to add missing alt tags for images in a large html document

c# html accessibility

Adding WAI-ARIA support to jQuery .toggle() method

Accessibility, fieldset legends, and header tags

accessibility forms

Does one need to put aria-label on a form submit button?

html accessibility wai-aria

Customize Button shape in ios 7.1

Changing text spoken by talkback in Android

how to handle WAI ARIA role="listbox"

accessibility wai-aria

AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions doesn't return true even when the app is ticked in accessibility

macos qt accessibility

Make VoiceOver say "Swipe Up or Down to Select a Custom Action, then double tap to activate"

What is the biggest cons to use position: absolute & top/left over Float & margin+padding, If site is fixed width (970px), centered?

Should we use fieldset even for one search box input?

Accessible way of hiding an element until jQuery's $(document).ready()?

HTML, :hover css menu and accessibility

html css accessibility

Getting the position of my application's dock icon using Cocoa's Accessibility API

cocoa accessibility dock

How to fade in an entire web page -- accessibly

How to tell whether a PDF is tagged

php pdf accessibility tcpdf fpdf

Custom UIView Not Showing Accessibility on Voice Over

Is there a way to detect if the iPhone is in inverse color mode?

ios accessibility