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New posts in .net-assembly

IOException when dynamically compiling code

Equivalence for AppDomain.GetAssemblies() in UWP?

c# .net uwp .net-assembly

Setting up Log4Net to log output from a Class Library

c# log4net .net-assembly

How to determine how an assembly was built

What's the purpose of .config file for a .DLL library assembly?

c# .net config .net-assembly

Making binding redirects work for office add-ins

When does `Assembly.GetType(name)` return `null`?

Unable to find assembly - imposible to trace error

MSSQL load assembly error

sql-server .net-assembly

Using Codebase to load assembly

How to read array initializer values from .NET assembly

Is there a difference between Assembly.ExportedTypes and Assembly.GetExportedTypes()

c# .net clr .net-assembly

Use .NET assembly without locking dll file

Incompatible .NET Standard assemblies that should have been compatible?

Multi file assemblies

Issue when using ILMerge to merge .NET 3.5 & .NET 2.0 assemblies

.net .net-assembly ilmerge

The .NET equivalent of static libraries?

Get all User-Created Classes in AppDomain.CurrentDomain

c# reflection .net-assembly

AssemblyBinding BindingRedirect not working for MVC4 app with T4MVCExtensions

Given a class in Visual Studio, how to find out which dll contains it?