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ASP.Net: why is my button's click/command events not binding/firing in a repeater?

What's the easiest way to verify there's an available network connection?

c# .net .net-2.0 networking

C# 2.0 generics: How to create an Action object with zero parameters

How does default/relative path resolution work in .NET?

How to remove an xml element from file?

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Efficient run-time type checking

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What .NET version to choose?

How do I display a tooltip when focus is in a specific textbox?

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Regarding Passing Many Parameters

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Reading dates from OpenXml Excel files

Connection pool setting of SQL Server connection string

What are the benefits to a client of upgrading a system from .Net 2 to .Net 3.5 or 4 [closed]

WCF consumed as WebService adds a boolean parameter?

How to create a DBF file from scratch in C#?

c# .net .net-2.0 dbf

Stored procedure causing timeout only when run from application

How to block Winforms UI while background thread is running

C# Pass Generics At Runtime

c# generics .net-2.0

Why can't set cast an object from Excel interop?

c# excel interop .net-2.0

ToolStripSplitButton vs. ToolStripDropDownButton

C# - Detecting encoding in a file, write change to file using the found encoding

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