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Stored procedure causing timeout only when run from application

We have runned into a problem with an sp.

We have a pretty simple sp containing a declared table and a couple of outer joins that in the end returns between 20 and 100 rows.

Since querying this sp has been giving us poor performance both in production and in testenvironment we recently rewrote it to be more efficient and has tested thouroughly with great performance in our testenvironment.

We released it to production just to find out that it is still very slow and are causing our .NET 2.0 application to timeout when it is called.

We understood nothing and went into Management Studio on the production database and ran the sp there, it executes under 1 sec.

That is, when ran from our application it is extremly slow and causes timeouts, when ran from Management Studio it is very quick and never takes more then a second.

Anyone with good knowledge of SQL Server 2005 that can give us a hint regarding this?

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Mattias Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 10:01


People also ask

Can stored procedure timeout?

Timeout limit on stored procedure executionThe SQL connector has a stored procedure timeout limit that's less than 2-minutes. Some stored procedures might take longer than this limit to complete, causing a 504 Timeout error.

How do I fix connection timeout error in SQL?

If you encounter a connection-timeout error, follow the steps: Increase the connection-timeout parameter. If you use an application to connect to SQL Server, increase the relevant connection-timeout parameter values and check whether the connection eventually succeeds.

Why you should not use stored procedures?

Stored procedures are difficult to unit test. With an ORM, you can mock your database code so as to be able to test your business logic quickly. With stored procedures, you have to rebuild an entire test database from scratch. Stored procedures offer no performance advantage whatsoever.

2 Answers

I think that your problem might be "Parameter sniffing". It is a process when SQL Server's execution environment "sniffs" the sp's parameter values during compilation or recompile to generate faster execution plans. But sometimes it gets a combination of parameters which together with the current data the sp will return makes a really slow sp.

There are a couple of good explanations out there. Search on Stackoverflow. This is one is good: http://omnibuzz-sql.blogspot.com/2006/11/parameter-sniffing-stored-procedures.html

One possible solution is to create local variables in the sp and set the incoming parameters values to them. Then use only the local variables in the sp.

  @FromDate as DATETIME
  DECLARE @FromDate_local as DATETIME
  SET @FromDate_local = '2009-01-01'

  SET @FromDate_local = @FromDate
  SELECT * FROM TestTbl WHERE FromDate >= @FromDate_local
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Christian80 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09


Recompile is a blunt instrument. It's most likely parameter sniffing

See this question: Stored Procedure failing on a specific user

like image 26
gbn Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
