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New posts in .htaccess

Block one specific URL by htaccess


Change the DirectoryIndex based on a domain/sub-domain in .htaccess

Issue with mobile website

Rewrite all URL to index.php except from '/Serene/Assets/'

php .htaccess

301 Redirect for all pages to new site Except 1 directory

Use RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} without attaching the query string to the new address

regex .htaccess mod-rewrite

fixing cakephp .htaccess/mod_rewrite for shared hosting setups

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS for one page

.htaccess ssl https

Redirect all traffic from one domain to another

.htaccess mod-rewrite

Ubuntu 12.04 AllowOverride All throws Internal Server Error

apache .htaccess ubuntu

How to add Leverage browser caching for CDN in .htaccess?

Codeigniter - getting 404 Not Found error

php .htaccess codeigniter

htaccess caching not working

.htaccess caching

.htaccess redirect root to index.php

Htaccess rule to redirect domain to index.html

.htaccess rewrite query string as path

Enabling pretty permalinks on Wordpress - apache configuration does not work

htaccess compare cookie value and redirect if evaluation returns true/false

Apache DirectorySlash Off - Site breaks

Remove .php extensions with .htaccess without breaking DirectoryIndex

.htaccess url-rewriting