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Issue with mobile website

I have a mobile version of my site that I have an issue with. My main site is (let's say) domain.com and my mobile site is (let's say) m.dom.com

I have common js/css and images I use for both and I don't want to duplicate the files to either both sites. if I need to update I don't want to copy over and over or just forget to upload the other file.

My mobile site is setup in a sub folder of my main site /mobile so i have domain.com/mobile is the same as m.dom.com

is there an easy way to not duplicate/copy over and over the images/js?

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Neil Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 02:11


People also ask

What are the problems of mobile website?

Mobile Usability Since the screen size of a mobile website differs from that of a desktop, the users need to resize their screens to view the content continuously. Creating website designs that suit every screen size is one of the challenges that website developers face.

Why website is not opening in my mobile?

Try clearing cache of your mobile browser and check. If it still not loading then un-install the browser form your phone and restart the phone and reinstall the browser again and try. If still getting same error, try different browser in mobile.

What are the issues of website?

Talking of clutter and confusion, another common issue with websites is a lack of clear signposting. Ask yourself a simple question: how easy is it for someone to get where you want them to go? If it takes more than two clicks for the customer to be able to buy or book, your conversion rate could well be suffering.

2 Answers

Create symblink from the parent folder:

Using ssh or plesk or cpanel:

shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../js/
shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../images/
shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../css/

This will create a symbolic link from your main site so you only have to uploads the file from your main site and automatically the mobile will get updated.

So when you access the /js/file.js in your mobile site it will look for the symblink which is the main /js/file.js.

Also I would recommend to use this rule (from your main site - .htaccess) in case the /mobile/ is accessed from a bot or a user.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^mobile/?$ http://m.dom.com/ [R=301]
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Book Of Zeus Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Book Of Zeus

Use CSS to modify the content so you that you don't have to create the same thing twice

like image 32
Xin Qian Ch'ang Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Xin Qian Ch'ang