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Slack URL to open a channel from browser

People also ask

How do I find the URL of a Slack channel?

Find your URLOpen the Slack app. From the Home tab, swipe right to open the main menu. Locate your workspace's Slack URL below the workspace name.

How do I open Slack in browser instead of app?

From your browser, visit https://slack.com/signin. Enter your email address, then click Sign In with Email. Check your email for a confirmation code from Slack and enter it.

Sure you can:


for example: https://tikal.slack.com/messages/general/ (of course that for accessing it, you must be part of the team)

The URI to open a specific channel in Slack app is:


You will probably need these resources of the Slack API to get IDs of your team and channel:

  • GET https://slack.com/api/team.info
  • GET https://slack.com/api/channels.list?exclude_archived=1

Here's the full documentation from Slack

Referencing a channel within a conversation

To create a clickable reference to a channel in a Slack conversation, just type # followed by the channel name. For example: #general.

# mention of a channel

To grab a link to a channel through the Slack UI

To share the channel URL externally, you can grab its link by control-clicking (Mac) or right-clicking (Windows) on the channel name:

grabbing a channel's URL

The link would look like this:


Note that this link doesn't change even if you change the name of the channel. So, it is better to use this link rather than the one based on channel's name.

To compose a URL for a channel based on channel name


Opening the above URL from a browser would launch the Slack client (if available) or open the slack channel on the browser itself.

To compose a URL for a direct message (DM) channel to a user


You can use


in order to open the Slack desktop application. For example, on mac, I've run:

open slack://

from the terminal and it opens the Mac desktop Slack application. Still, I didn't figure out the URL that should be used for opening a certain team, channel or message.

When I tried yorammi's solution I was taken to Slack, but not the channel I specified.

I had better luck with:




Although, they were both still displayed in a browser window and not the app.