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How to get everything after last slash in a URL?

You don't need fancy things, just see the string methods in the standard library and you can easily split your url between 'filename' part and the rest:

url.rsplit('/', 1)

So you can get the part you're interested in simply with:

url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

One more (idio(ma)tic) way:


rsplit should be up to the task:

In [1]: 'http://www.test.com/page/TEST2'.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
Out[1]: 'TEST2'

You can do like this:

head, tail = os.path.split(url)

Where tail will be your file name.

urlparse is fine to use if you want to (say, to get rid of any query string parameters).

import urllib.parse

urls = [

for i in urls:
    url_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(i)
    path_parts = url_parts[2].rpartition('/')
    print('URL: {}\nreturns: {}\n'.format(i, path_parts[2]))


URL: http://www.test.com/TEST1
returns: TEST1

URL: http://www.test.com/page/TEST2
returns: TEST2

URL: http://www.test.com/page/page/12345
returns: 12345

URL: http://www.test.com/page/page/12345?abc=123
returns: 12345