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Silent install apk programmatically by system app (without root)

I have system-level app with android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" (UID: 1000).

Device is not rooted! INSTALL_PACKAGES permission is included to Manifest.

Can I install downloaded *.apk silently?

like image 748
yuralife Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 16:03


People also ask

Can you install APK without rooting?

You don't need ROOT permissions to get the list of Installed Apps. You can do it with android PackageManager.

How do I install a non installed APK?

The Android app not installed error can be combated after resetting app permissions. Go to Settings > Apps > Reset App Preferences/Reset Application Permissions. After this, third-party software can be installed on your device.

1 Answers

I`ve found the issue.

  1. Added "android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES" permission.
  2. I signed my application using "signapk.jar" with certificate that I`ve got from manufacturer of my device.
  3. And now this app can install others using "pm install /.../app.apk" without "su".

It works!

P.S. Updating application using just "pm install" doesn`t replace existing application with new one, but returns exit_value = 0. So to update there are two ways:

  • use "pm install -r /.../app.apk";
  • firstly delete app using "pm uninstall com.mydomain.myapp" (you need "android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES" permission) and then install new one.
like image 92
yuralife Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09
