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Mocking library/framework that works best in Android? [closed]

I'm developing Android application using third party libraries (Twitter4j). I want to be able mock those objects (also objects created by me) in JUnit and functional tests.

Do you have any good experiences using some mocking libraries and you can recommend them?

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pixel Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 17:07


People also ask

Is EasyMock a mocking framework?

EasyMock is a mocking framework, JAVA-based library that is used for effective unit testing of JAVA applications. EasyMock is used to mock interfaces so that a dummy functionality can be added to a mock interface that can be used in unit testing.

Which framework is used to create mocked objects?

Creating mock objects manually is very difficult and time-consuming. So, to increase your productivity, you can go for the automatic generation of mock objects by using a Mocking Framework. A developer can build his/her unit test by using any of the NUnit, MbUnit, MSTest, xUnit etc.

What mocking frameworks have you used for unit testing?

Suggested Mocking Framework A complete mocking framework like JustMock enables developers to focus solely on testing the system under test and forget about the distracting mocking details. Mock objects are created automatically in memory when the tests are run based on the simple configuration in the unit test.

What is Mockito for Android?

Conclusion. Mockito is used to test final classes in Kotlin. Mockito is a widely used framework for mobile developers to write unit tests.

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3 Answers

(Update: Mockito has added Android support as of version 1.9.5 and EasyMock has added Android support as of version 3.2 by factoring out those bits that generate code at runtime and making them pluggable, e.g. by using dexmaker instead of cglib.)

Except for android-mock mentioned by DixonD (which is a fairly young, unproven library), there currently is no solution. You can immediately forget anything based on CGLib (Mockito, plain EasyMock), since CGLib relies on byte code generation and won't work on Dalvik (it also relies on the Java Beans package, which is also not part of Android).

For what it's worth, you could use the very few mock classes coming with Android (like MockContext), but they don't verify behavior, they're just stubs. Their default behavior is to throw a runtime error in every method, so you have to subclass them and override the methods you want to mock.

However, you can still use mocking libraries in non-instrumentation tests, i.e. in your standard unit tests executed on the JVM. You can use PowerMock to mock framework methods, it has support for mocking static methods and constructors, making the mocking as powerful as e.g. in Ruby (just more painful to use).

We use JUnit 4 + PowerMock + Mockito and mock out classes like Context and TextUtils in a base class from which we inherit every normal JUnit test. For instrumentation tests, we create custom mock classes and decide using a factory which implementation (mock or not) to instantiate at runtime.

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Matthias Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09


I recently released Borachio, a native Scala mocking framework which works on Android.

Because Borachio is written in Scala, you’ll need to write your tests in Scala. But it can be used to test code written in Java.

There's a description of how to use Borachio on Android on my blog:

http://www.paulbutcher.com/2011/03/mock-objects-on-android-with-borachio-part-1/ http://www.paulbutcher.com/2011/03/mock-objects-on-android-with-borachio-part-2/ http://www.paulbutcher.com/2011/03/mock-objects-on-android-with-borachio-part-3/


Borachio now is ScalaMock.

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Paul Butcher Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Paul Butcher

Robolectric uses a different approach. Instead of running on the DVM, it "defangs" the Android SDK so that you can run Android tests directly on the JVM with the JUnit4 framework. Tests apparently build and run much faster, and require less mocking.

[A common approach] is to use mock frameworks such as Mockito or Android Mock to mock out the Android SDK. While this is a valid approach, we have found that without Robolectric, the level of mocking needed to test an Android app quickly yields tests that are essentially reverse implementations of the application code.

Robolectric allows a test style that is closer to black box testing, making the tests more effective for refactoring and allowing the tests to focus on the behavior of the application instead of the implementation of Android. You can still use a mocking framework along with Robolectric if you like.

Here's how it works:

[It intercepts] the loading of the Android classes and rewriting the method bodies. Robolectric re-defines Android methods so they return null (or 0, false, etc.), or if provided Robolectric will forward method calls to shadow Android objects giving the Android SDK behavior.

A comparison to Mockito.

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John Lehmann Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

John Lehmann