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Shortcut to create properties in Visual Studio?

People also ask

Which shortcut to create a property declaration with Get and Set?

Here I am Showing You That How You Can Get & Set Property Using Shortcut In Visual Studio. Then it will automatically display intelligence & from that select "prop" & then press TAB key from your keyboard then it will automatically add a code snippet of get & set property.

What is Ctrl Shift F in Visual Studio?

Ctrl-Shift-F is used to find all the ocuurance of a string with in entire solution and display find result window as shown below. Ctrl-F is used to find a string in the current document, project and all open documents one by one.

What is F12 in Visual Studio?

Peek Definition Alt+F12 If you've installed Visual Studio 2013, there's a new keyboard shortcut -- Alt+F12 -- that will give you a preview of the method being called inline.

You could type "prop" and then press tab twice. That will generate the following.

public TYPE Type { get; set; }

Then you change "TYPE" and "Type":

public string myString {get; set;}

You can also get the full property typing "propfull" and then tab twice. That would generate the field and the full property.

private int myVar;

public int MyProperty
    get { return myVar;}
    set { myVar = value;}

In addition to Amra's answer, you can find other snippets by typing

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + X

Which is mapped to Edit.InsertSnippet in my Visual Studio and shows you the full list of snippets available.

Also remember that you can configure your own snippets by using the Snippets Manager, which is available in the Tools menu, Code Snippets Manager.... Basically you create a file *.snippet and use the Import button in the Code Snippets Manager to add it to Visual Studio. For a full tutorial you can go to the docs; Walkthrough: Create a code snippet.

In Visual Studio Code snippets are handled slightly different than in Visual Studio. You can access all snippets by typing Ctrl + Shift + P and type in snippet. Two options should be available, Insert Snippet and Preferences: Configure User Snippets.

The former inserts a snippet from your list of snippets (using the Language Mode which you can see in the status bar), and with the latter you can create your own snippets for any Language Mode.

If you know the shortname you can just type that and use Tab to expand the snippet. For inserting a C# property you have three snippets available, prop, propfull, and propg, for different purposes.

Place cursor inside your field private int _i; and then Edit menu or RMB - Refactor - Encapsulate Field... (CtrlR, CtrlE) to create the standard property accessors.

Type "propfull". It is much better to use, and it will generate the property and private variable.

Type "propfull" and then TAB twice.

After typing "prop" + Tab + Tab as suggested by Amra, you can immediately type the property's type (which will replace the default int), type another tab and type the property name (which will replace the default MyProperty). Finish by pressing Enter.

I think Alt+R+F is the correct one for creating property from a variable declaration