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How to call Stored Procedure in Entity Framework 6 (Code-First)?

I am very new to Entity Framework 6 and I want to implement stored procedures in my project. I have a stored procedure as follows:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insert_department]
    @Name [varchar](100)
    INSERT [dbo].[Departments]([Name])
    VALUES (@Name)

    DECLARE @DeptId int

    SELECT @DeptId = [DeptId]
    FROM [dbo].[Departments]

    SELECT t0.[DeptId]
    FROM [dbo].[Departments] AS t0
    WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 AND t0.[DeptId] = @DeptId

Department class:

public class Department
    public int DepartmentId { get; set; }       
    public string Name { get; set; }

.MapToStoredProcedures(s => 
s.Update(u => u.HasName("modify_department") 
               .Parameter(b => b.Department, "department_id") 
               .Parameter(b => b.Name, "department_name")) 
 .Delete(d => d.HasName("delete_department") 
               .Parameter(b => b.DepartmentId, "department_id")) 
 .Insert(i => i.HasName("insert_department") 
               .Parameter(b => b.Name, "department_name")));

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string department = txtDepartment.text.trim();

    // here I want to call the stored procedure to insert values

My problem is: how can I call the stored procedure and pass parameters into it?

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Jaan Avatar asked Jan 03 '14 10:01


People also ask

How do you call a stored procedure using code first in Entity Framework?

To use a Stored Procedure with the Code First model, we need to override the OnModelCreating method of DBContext and add the following code to map the Stored Procedure. The MapToStoreProcedures method has two overloaded methods, one method is without a parameter.

How do we call stored procedure?

You can call an SQL stored procedure with the execute, open, or get statement; in each case, you use the #sql directive. A stored procedure is a set of instructions for a database, like a function in EGL.

3 Answers

You can call a stored procedure in your DbContext class as follows.


But if your stored procedure returns multiple result sets as your sample code, then you can see this helpful article on MSDN

Stored Procedures with Multiple Result Sets

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Alborz Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10


All you have to do is create an object that has the same property names as the results returned by the stored procedure. For the following stored procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetResultsForCampaign]  
    @ClientId int   

    SELECT AgeGroup, Gender, Payout
    FROM IntegrationResult
    WHERE ClientId = @ClientId

create a class that looks like:

    public class ResultForCampaign
        public string AgeGroup { get; set; }

        public string Gender { get; set; }

        public decimal Payout { get; set; }

and then call the procedure by doing the following:

    using(var context = new DatabaseContext())
            var clientIdParameter = new SqlParameter("@ClientId", 4);

            var result = context.Database
                .SqlQuery<ResultForCampaign>("GetResultsForCampaign @ClientId", clientIdParameter)

The result will contain a list of ResultForCampaign objects. You can call SqlQuery using as many parameters as needed.

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Filipe Leite Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Filipe Leite

I solved it with ExecuteSqlCommand

Put your own method like mine in DbContext as your own instances:

public void addmessage(<yourEntity> _msg)
    var date = new SqlParameter("@date", _msg.MDate);
    var subject = new SqlParameter("@subject", _msg.MSubject);
    var body = new SqlParameter("@body", _msg.MBody);
    var fid = new SqlParameter("@fid", _msg.FID);
    this.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec messageinsert @Date , @Subject , @Body , @Fid", date,subject,body,fid);

so you can have a method in your code-behind like this:

[WebMethod] //this method is static and i use web method because i call this method from client side
public static void AddMessage(string Date, string Subject, string Body, string Follower, string Department)
        using (DBContext reposit = new DBContext())
            msge <yourEntity> Newmsg = new msge();
            Newmsg.MDate = Date;
            Newmsg.MSubject = Subject.Trim();
            Newmsg.MBody = Body.Trim();
            Newmsg.FID= 5;
    catch (Exception)

this is my SP :

Create PROCEDURE dbo.MessageInsert

    @Date nchar["size"],
    @Subject nchar["size"],
    @Body nchar["size"],
    @Fid int
    insert into Msg (MDate,MSubject,MBody,FID) values (@Date,@Subject,@Body,@Fid)

Hope that helped you.

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Mahdi ghafoorian Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Mahdi ghafoorian