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Selecting a directory with TOpenDialog

I'd really like to know the various ways I could select a directory with the TOpenDialog, whether it be downloading a new component or using what is provided by Delphi, but preferably using what is provided by Delphi.

Prior to this, I have been using the SelectDirectory command but I think it'd be a difficulty for the users of my program to look for the specified directory.

I think the SelectDirectory is 'weak' because it can be a long process when searching for the directory you want. Say for example, you want to navigate to the Application Data directory. How long or difficult would it be to navigate there? In the end, users may not even reach their desired directory.

I need something like this where the user can copy and paste directories into the directory address bar at the top there.

enter image description here

Thank you for all your answers.

like image 651
ple103 Avatar asked Sep 14 '11 20:09


1 Answers

You can use the TFileOpenDialog (on Vista+):

with TFileOpenDialog.Create(nil) do   try     Options := [fdoPickFolders];     if Execute then       ShowMessage(FileName);   finally     Free;   end; 

Personally, I always use the TFileOpenDialog on Vista+ and fallback using the SelectDirectory (the good one!) on XP, like this:

if Win32MajorVersion >= 6 then   with TFileOpenDialog.Create(nil) do     try       Title := 'Select Directory';       Options := [fdoPickFolders, fdoPathMustExist, fdoForceFileSystem]; // YMMV       OkButtonLabel := 'Select';       DefaultFolder := FDir;       FileName := FDir;       if Execute then         ShowMessage(FileName);     finally       Free;     end else   if SelectDirectory('Select Directory', ExtractFileDrive(FDir), FDir,              [sdNewUI, sdNewFolder]) then     ShowMessage(FDir) 
like image 165
Andreas Rejbrand Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09

Andreas Rejbrand