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Profiler and Memory Analysis Tools for Delphi [closed]

For the price, you cannot beat FastMM4 as a memory tracker. It's simple to use yet powerful and well integrated with Delphi.
I guess that you know that, without downloading, installing or changing anything else, just putting this line

ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutDown := True;

anywhere in your code, will enable basic reporting of memory leaks.
If you need more like crash information, EurekaLog is a very good product that we use. MadExcept also has a good reputation...

For profiling specifically, we have AQTime.

As for gpProfile, you can try and bug gabr on SO for an update... or go and update gpProfile yourself as it is open source. ;-)

I've made an open source profiler for Delphi: http://code.google.com/p/asmprofiler/

It's not perfect, but it's free and open source :-).

The main reason I made it was because I missed an exact call tree. For example, ProDelphi only stores a summary and total counts of all calls, you cannot see what calls a specific procedure at a specific time did (or time duration). And it has a time chart, so you can see how the call duration changed over time.

Also take a Look at Eric Grange's Sampling Profiler

I've been very happy with AQtime for profiling.

Having used both GpProfile and AQTime I have found both to be effective at finding what method call is causing a bottle neck.

However AQTime can also tell me what line of code is causing this, without making any changes to my source code (although it works best with TD32 debugging and debug dcus).

I recently used it to speed up a routine by about 30x (due to bad use of a internal library function)

However I didn't have to pay for it myself!