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schema validation with msxml in delphi

I'm trying to validate an XML file against the schemas it references. (Using Delphi and MSXML2_TLB.) The (relevant part of the) code looks something like this:

procedure TfrmMain.ValidateXMLFile;
    xml: IXMLDOMDocument2;
    err: IXMLDOMParseError;
    schemas: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection;
    xml := ComsDOMDocument.Create;
    if xml.load('Data/file.xml') then
        schemas := xml.namespaces;
        if schemas.length > 0 then
            xml.schemas := schemas;
            err := xml.validate;

This has the result that cache is loaded (schemas.length > 0), but then the next assignment raises an exception: "only XMLSchemaCache-schemacollections can be used."

How should I go about this?

like image 339
Miel Avatar asked Jan 15 '09 13:01


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2 Answers

I've come up with an approach that seems to work. I first load the schema's explicitly, then add themn to the schemacollection. Next I load the xml-file and assign the schemacollection to its schemas property. The solution now looks like this:

uses MSXML2_TLB  
That is:  
// Type Lib: C:\Windows\system32\msxml4.dll  
// LIBID: {F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}

function TfrmMain.ValidXML(
    const xmlFile: String; 
    out err: IXMLDOMParseError): Boolean;
    xml, xsd: IXMLDOMDocument2;
    cache: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection;
    xsd := CoDOMDocument40.Create;
    xsd.Async := False;

    cache := CoXMLSchemaCache40.Create;
    cache.add('http://the.uri.com/schemalocation', xsd);

    xml := CoDOMDocument40.Create;
    xml.async := False;
    xml.schemas := cache;

    Result := xml.load(xmlFile);
    if not Result then
      err := xml.parseError
      err := nil;

It is important to use XMLSchemaCache40 or later. Earlier versions don't follow the W3C XML Schema standard, but only validate against XDR Schema, a MicroSoft specification.

The disadvantage of this solution is that I need to load the schema's explicitly. It seems to me that it should be possible to retrieve them automatically.

like image 134
Miel Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10


While BennyBechDk might be on the right track, I have a few problems with his code that I'm going to correct below:

uses Classes, XMLIntf, xmlDoc, SysUtils;

function IsValidXMLDoc(aXmlDoc: IXMLDocument): boolean;
  validateDoc: IXMLDocument;
  result := false;  // eliminate any sense of doubt, it starts false period.
  validateDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(nil);
    validateDoc.ParseOptions := [poResolveExternals, poValidateOnParse];
    validateDoc.XML := aXmlDoc.XML;
    validateDoc.Active := true;
    Result := True;
    // for this example, I am going to eat the exception, normally this
    // exception should be handled and the message saved to display to 
    // the user.

If you wanted the system to just raise the exception, then there is no reason to make it a function in the first place.

uses Classes, XMLIntf, XMLDoc, SysUtils;

procedure ValidateXMLDoc(aXmlDoc: IXMLDocument);
  validateDoc: IXMLDocument;
  validateDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(nil);
  validateDoc.ParseOptions := [poResolveExternals, poValidateOnParse];
  validateDoc.XML := aXmlDoc.XML;
  validateDoc.Active := true;

Because validateDoc is an interface, it will be disposed of properly as the function/procedure exits, there is no need to perform the disposal yourself. If you call ValidateXmlDoc and don't get an exception then it is valid. Personally I like the first call, IsValidXMLDoc which returns true if valid or false if not (and does not raise exceptions outside of itself).

like image 20
skamradt Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10
