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Run multiple WorkerRoles per instance

I have several WorkerRole that only do job for a short time, and it would be a waste of money to put them in a single instance each. We could merge them in a single one, but it'd be a mess and in the far future they are supposed to work independently when the load increases.

Is there a way to create a "multi role" WorkerRole in the same way you can create a "multi site" WebRole?

In negative case, I think I can create a "master worker role", that is able to load the assemblies from a given folder, look for RoleEntryPoint derivated classes with reflection, create instances and invoke the .Run() or .OnStart() method. This "master worker role" will also rethrown unexpected exceptions, and call .OnStop() in all sub RoleEntryPoints when .OnStop() is called in the master one. Would it work? What should I be aware of?

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vtortola Avatar asked Mar 15 '11 14:03


2 Answers

As mentioned by others, this is a very common technique for maximizing utilization of your instances. There may examples and "frameworks" that abstract the worker infrastructure and the actual work you want to be done, including one in this (our) sample: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff966483.aspx (scroll down to "inside the implementation")

Te most common ways of triggering work are:

  1. Time scheduled workers (like "cron" jobs)
  2. Message baseds workers (work triggered by the presence of a message).

The code sample mentioned above implements further abstractions for #2 and is easily extensible for #1.

Bear in mind though that all interactions with queues are based on polling. The worker will not wake up with a new message on the queue. You need to actively query the queue for new messages. Querying too often will make Microsoft happy, but probably not you :-). Each query counts as a transaction that is billed (10K of those = $0.01). A good practice is to poll the queue for messages with some kind of delayed back-off. Also, get messages in batches.

Finally, taking this to an extreme, you can also combine web roles and worker roles in a single instance. See here for an example: http://blog.smarx.com/posts/web-page-image-capture-in-windows-azure

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Eugenio Pace Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Eugenio Pace

Multiple worker roles provide a very clean implementation. However, the cost footprint for idle role instances is going to be much higher than a single worker role.

Role-combining is a common pattern I've seen, working with ISV's on their Windows Azure deployments. You can have a background thread that wakes up every so often and runs a process. Another common implementation technique is to use an Azure Queue to send a message representing a process to execute. You can have multiple queues if you want, or a single command queue. In any case, you would have a queue listener running in a background thread, which would run in each instance. The first one to get the message processes it. You could take it further, and have a timed process pushing those messages onto the queue (maybe every 24 hours, or every hour).

Aside from CPU and memory limits, just remember that a single role can only have a maximum of 5 endpoints (less if you're using Remote Desktop).

EDIT: As of September 2011, role configuration has become much more flexible, now that you have 25 Input endpoints (accessible from the outside world) and 25 Internal endpoints (used for communication between roles) across an entire deployment. The MSDN article is here

I recently blogged about overloading a Web Role, which is somewhat related.

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David Makogon Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

David Makogon