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Azure - why can't I find attached drive on my vm?



I have created a new vm (A0) using the new Azure portal (Resource manager?) and attached a new drive (1023gb) to the vm.

When I RDP to the instance, I can't see the new drive. I deleted the drive and added one of 20gb as I think that there may be a 20gb limit on drives for A0. Still nothing.

What's up?

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Dave Tapson Avatar asked Dec 08 '15 08:12

Dave Tapson

People also ask

Where is the unattached disk in Azure portal?

Sign in to the Azure portal. Search for and select Disks (Classic). You are presented with a list of all your unmanaged disks. Any disk that has "-" in the Attached to column is an unattached disk.

1 Answers

Please follow the "Initialize a new data disk" section of documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/attach-managed-disk-portal#initialize-a-new-data-disk

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Benjamin Talmard Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Benjamin Talmard