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Azure CDN vs Azure Blob storage origin pull takes way too long

I am using azure blob storage to store images in a public container and embedding them in a public website. Everything works fine, blobs are publicly available on xxxxx.blob.core.windows.net the instant i upload them. I wanted to use Azure CDN for their edge caching infrastructure and set up one at xxxxx.vo.msecnd.net.

But now, when i point my images to the CDN, it returns 404 for a good 15 mins or so, then it starts serving. It's mentioned on their documentation that we should not use CDN for high violatile or frequently changing blobs, but a simple CMS with image upload feature for a public site warrants a CDN isn't it?

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Lee Gary Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 07:08

Lee Gary

1 Answers

I am in exactly the same situation at the moment for product images that are uploaded to my e-commerce site. I prefer to use Azure CDN on top of Azure blob storage for all of the obvious reasons but cannot wait 15 minutes for the image to be available.

For now I have resolved to store the blob storage URL initially but then later rewrite it to use the CDN domain via an Azure WebJob running once daily. It seems like an unnecessary amount of extra work but I haven't yet found a better option and really want to use the Azure CDN.

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Andy Mehalick Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10

Andy Mehalick