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In Azure, is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription?



On Azure, I am currently using my "3-month Free Trial" subscription, and just recently I got access to a "Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate" subscription.

Is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription using the Portal?

Obviously I could just re-publish the sites using Visual Studio, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this in the GUI?

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David P Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 19:06

David P

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You can move Azure resources to either another Azure subscription or another resource group under the same subscription. You can use the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the REST API to move resources. To learn more, see Move resources to a new resource group or subscription.

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You can move a VM and its associated resources to a different subscription by using the Azure portal. Go to the Azure portal to manage the resource group containing the VM to move. Search for and select Resource groups. Choose the resource group containing the VM that you would like to move.

Can we transfer a resource from one subscription to another subscription in different Azure accounts?

If I have understood right you want to transfer resource group to other subscription and also transfer billing ownership of an Azure subscription to another account. If you're an administrator of two accounts, you can transfer a subscription between your accounts.

2 Answers

There is no way you can accomplish in the Portal interface. You do have an option to request Windows Azure Billing Team and request them move all of your currently configured and running services from one Subscription to other subscription, the key is "all".

IF you want to move one specific service from one subscription to another then the available option is to deploy directly to other subscription.

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AvkashChauhan Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10


I did do this once. I had to contact their billing team and after a couple of days of back and forth between them it was taking too long so I just did it manually, redeploying the sites to the new subscription. This may not be possible if you have many sites. I did a backup and restore of the SQL Azure database.

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Craig Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10
